Sunday, September 16, 2007
A Long Month
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Good Times with Good Friends
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me

I wanted to have a dinner with my family to celebrate my birthday. So I asked all of the kids about their schedules. That is a feet! We managed to get a date that all could agree on. Now the place had to be decided upon. I did not think that this would be as hard as it was. Not at this restaurant as it is for "old" people, not there as they cook with wine, not there as we don't like it, don't like that place either. Finally we settled. Now everyone was to meet at 6pm. I said I am leaving at 5:20pm. At 5:05pm my other half decides he does not want to go. "Well thank you very much!" Am I angry, you bet I am. I set out on my own, not telling anyone I am alone. They all found out as I got lost. "ME" lost! Not just lost, but super lost! MILES AND MILES away! Try as they might the kids did the best they could on cell phones to get me where I was suppose to be. One hour and 40 minutes later I saw my "young men" waving me down on Route 73. Hmm, no wonder I couldn't find it, the trees all grew, that is why I didn't see it. We ended up having a nice dinner, me feeling like the complete fool I am. Then off to bowling after dinner. All in all it was nice. Especially listening and watching my children and their loves laugh. Isn't that what it is all about. I gave myself a nice gift. On the restaurant, Cracker Barrel, and guess what they serve real potatoes, not box. :)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sister's-Diamond and Dreamer
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Dreamer - A Best Friend
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Timothy Carl Dreher
July 10, 1984 was a scarey day. The pains wouldn't stop. My baby came, a month early. For several minutes I didn't even know what I had. Then when I did he was taken so fast I had no idea what was going on. When they wheeled me in to see him there were machines beeping, tubes everywhere, IV bags hanging, and looks on faces that told me to pray. 7 1/2 hours after birth he was on his first ambulance ride. Mind you, I said first. Many came after, be it by an actual ambulance, or mommy pretending to be one. They told me "If he makes it to one year then he should live". My son never sat until he was 1 year and 1 week old. Prayer does huge things. Faith may wander, but don't ever let it leave. Above here he is. Far from the sickly 5 pound 6 ounce boy he was. Now 5 foot 11, 170 pounds and a size 14 shoe! My young man, I am so proud of you my son.
Monday, July 9, 2007
I've Returned
Then during this time my very close friend the "Computer" got sick. I took her to Dr. Harry and he fixed her. He put things inside of her that I just do not understand. (micro excel office 2007) or something like that. I was really good on the other. Now I am totally lost. Many things have happened during this time. I will catch you up soon.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Memorial Day
Do you know how big a football field is? Well if we were to lay people down side to side and head to toe across the entire field that is how many bodies died in World War II. When we were bombed and after the ships were sinking and after and during all of the fires the only thing that did not burn was our AMERICAN FLAG.
What is sad is that every morning I stand and pledge to the flag at my school. I also watch the children, many have no idea why they are doing the pledge. Teachers I know that we have an insane core curriculum that MUST be done for the "TESTS" but take the time to explain why the pledge is done. Who knows this little gesture might help get a little bit of respect back in people. Oh and teachers do the pledge also instead of talking with a parent or someone else. Children also learn by example, be one. For all of the men and women that have served and are serving this beloved USA, THANK YOU! To the families of those lost, God Bless You.
This is also written in memory of two of my children's friends killed in Iraq.
Spc. Adam D. Froehlich, US Army, Pine Hill, NJ, killed March 25, 2004
Spc. Anthony "Joe" Dixon, US Army, Lindenwold, NJ, killed August 2, 2004
Sunday, May 27, 2007
A Horror in the Garden

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Deviled Eggs
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
18 Days To Go
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Out of Reverse
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day
My lesson - Patience.
Happy Mother's Day Mom.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Playing In The Yard
Friday, May 4, 2007
A Good Laugh
Picture this, a lunch room full of 110 first graders, 9 of which are mine. Me grabbing and opening juices, opening milks, telling children to sit down, taking cheese off of pizza, cutting pizza, reminding this one and that one to eat, listening to screaming, picking up trash, RIP!!!!
My children that have realized what happened "Oh no, Mrs. Dreher!!!" My darling "Al" our custodian that is behind me has now broken into laughter and collapsed on the bench seat. Me, I have stood pulled my shirt as far down as I could and ever so cleverly slid over to the end of the table.
Mind you my students are SPECIAL. Some have dumped their tray and gone to where they are to sit. Some are with me. My darling "DB" is my protector. The head teacher has now come out of the faculty lounge, looks at me, realizes something is obviously wrong. "DB" whispers into Mrs. K's ear. OH!! Okay now the music teacher that has outside duty, she takes 6, the teacher takes 3. Me I take to carefully walking to the office praying for a needle and thread. My wonderful secretary friends break down in laughter but are angels with the needle and thread. Now where to hide and sew my pants. Ah, preschool is on a walk. I go there. I hide in the bathroom. I am on a little chair 6 inches from the floor sewing the 9 inch tear. The door opens, "SCREAMS"!!
Poor Bev she is definitely more scared than me. She is shaking and me I start laughing and crying. Then she is like Wooo Wooo! I hope you can picture all of this as it was one of the funniest days I have ever had.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
My Beautiful Kimberly Marie, Happy Birthday
Thursday, April 19, 2007
An Emotional Week
God Bless the Children for They Are Our Future.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
It's Raining, It's pouring...hmm
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Real Mom's
their children.
2. Real moms have arms and shoulders for all their childrens friends.
3. Real moms always make their child’s favorite meal on their birthday.
4. Real moms will always worry.
5. Real moms repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Did I say repeat?
6. Real moms will always say “When you are a parent…”
7. Real moms have all the favorite character bandaids.
8. Real moms know how to make a triangle, star, or heart peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
9. Real moms let you have flour fights while baking.
10. Real moms let you cry and talk without putting in their two cents.
11. Real moms are always there.
And on and on and on.
Monday, March 19, 2007
It doesn't matter what type of test it is, the event is a mind warping thing. Waiting for the conclusion can drive a person insane. Waiting also usually has one asking God for help with the results. Can he give you the results you want, the ones you deserve? The answer to any test is in the way you live. Let all your answers be good ones. Live the right way, live with God in your heart.