I am having a hard time writing this post. I know why. Several people worked very very hard to get our school budget passed. However, it seems several worked very hard for it not to pass. I have said everyone has the right to his or her opinion, but find out the facts. How can people make phone calls telling whomever is on the other line not to vote for a budget? How can they do this without knowing the facts? Where were these people when several meetings were had regarding the budget? How can someone drive his truck into a person! In 28 years of living here names I have never heard of are coming up. I pride myself in getting involved. I pride myself saying "I was put on this Earth to do Jesus' work and I try to do a little each and every day." I pride myself in giving as much of myself as I can and I work hard doing so. But not for me! I do it for the children! I care about the children! I do not care how old they are, or what they look like. I was a child that was neglected and abused. I know what that feels like. I always swore I would give back and believe me I do. I am not trying to ring my own bell, I am just trying to understand why on Earth others don't at least try to do something. A horrible tragedy happened this week. I have thought and prayed for all of the people involved. I pray for the soldiers and their families. I will keep on praying. I will not give up for someday I am sure that there will be a change. The wait makes us stronger. I am angry now. I have to deal with that as I know babies will not stop being born, therefore schools will always have children in them, and I will always be a backer of all children.
God Bless the Children for They Are Our Future.
13 years ago