Steve and I were deep into conversation during dinner. When I said, "Our girl is getting married in three days." "Yep" he said. Then of course the tears started, again. He said, "Your going to be a mess." I said, "Right and you are going to be balling your eyes out." Of course he denied that but I know different. I laughed and we talked about when I went into labor he couldn't even remember his mom and dad's phone number to call them. Tears, they come for all sorts of reasons. Her boo boos, especially the time she cracked open her head after Steve had just dug himself out to go to work in the snow. He had to come home so we could get Kimberly her 5 stitches that she earned due to her excitement about pancakes. Tears of when she went off to school, including college. Tears during all of our fights/strong opinions. Tears during the sickness and deaths of so many family members. Tears when that mean girl on the playground said, "You're not my friend today, you can't play with us." Tears when she yelled, "I can't read!" Tears at the breakups of boy and girl friendships. Tears when the pet we loved so much passed on. Tears when she couldn't help it because she saw her mommy crying. Tears of frustration, and then the tears of happiness. So many will be shed at what will be a day to remember, a day of love, a day of promises, a day that will start a whole new life and more tears. Hopefully all happy ones.