Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sewer Back Up

I haven't felt well for several days. Yesterday I was greeted by a wonderful thing. The sewer backed up into the stationary sink downstairs. Thank God I was home sick and caught this in time. I also send praise to my towns sewer dept/public works. I called them and was told they were at lunch and would be back in 15, well in 25 they were here and my sewer was flowing again. Thanks Guys. Ironically my dad's profession for 22 years was doing this service for my hometown. November 14th would have been his 76th birthday so I figured he is up there sending me a reminder. Love ya Dad.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cold Virus Cravings

I crave carbs when I am really sick with a cold virus. I am going to ask friends if they do too and then add the answers.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"Pumpkin Patch"

We had such a good time this morning. My kids participated in a "Pumpkin Patch" for the regular and disabled preschoolers. There were different stations about the area behind the school. Little pumpkins were hidden in hay, scarecrows were being stuffed, toss the pumpkin in the bucket and then my station, wagon rides. The wagons were very sturdy painted cardboard boxes with a jump rope tied to them. A little bit of hay was inside the "wagon" where the preschooler would sit as well as all over the ground. My "older" kids would carefully pull the little ones. Smiles and giggles were everywhere. It wasn't until we were cleaning up that I realized I did something to my ankle. Ah the size of it is just dandy. Well life goes on and nothing stops kids so a little bit of ice and some elevation will just have to do. It was a great day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Got lost again - was in the car - 2 hours 45 minutes -had cell but not strong enough - did get where I was going after a police roadblock.
Found really good buys at Goodwill - $150.00 comforter for $10.00 - washed it - Jersey ate it 1st night.
Sick to death of the rain and cold and rain and cold...
Mad because I want to go to the Corzine rally with Bill Clinton - can't go - other commitments
New glasses broke already!
This weather is killing marching band season.
Back to work tomorrow, long week, many meetings, head teacher out for three days.
Laughing cow cheese a good find - good tasting and low calories.
Still hate empty nest - but like that I can go...
Two months until Christmas - yes I have started shopping.
Have a good night - enjoy the games, even though the Eagles are bombing right now.