Thursday, April 5, 2007

Real Mom's

1. Real moms turn into horrible creatures if anyone hurts their children, no matter the age of
their children.
2. Real moms have arms and shoulders for all their childrens friends.
3. Real moms always make their child’s favorite meal on their birthday.
4. Real moms will always worry.
5. Real moms repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Did I say repeat?
6. Real moms will always say “When you are a parent…”
7. Real moms have all the favorite character bandaids.
8. Real moms know how to make a triangle, star, or heart peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
9. Real moms let you have flour fights while baking.
10. Real moms let you cry and talk without putting in their two cents.
11. Real moms are always there.
And on and on and on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

#9. I think we had flour on the ceiling for months after teh 4th grade cookie bake off.