Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Deviled Eggs

Why write about this? It has recently caused huge fights in my house! I have been making deviled eggs for at least 30 years. I am known for my rocket launchers, as Steve calls them. (and the smell they omit after eating ...) Well my loving sweetheart is on a diet. He went onto the internet to research of all things, deviled eggs. He then proceeds to inform me that I am cooking them all wrong. WHAT?!?! He tells me all of these crazy things the web sight has told him. I very lovingly explain that he has not had a problem with MY deviled eggs in 29 years so I do not by any means want to hear another word about this. HA, does it stop him? NO! Will I bend? NO! Am I currently sitting here typing while eggs are cooking my way? YES!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, how do you make them, and what was the way Steve found to make them??

Just so I know if I'm making them right or not. (o;