Monday, November 27, 2006

Hunting for Hairbrushes

HAIRBRUSHES! - Having two daughters I have bought many of them. In the past 8 months I probably purchased at least 10. They keep disappearing. This morning my husband stayed home from work. He looked at me amazed when I ran out of the bathroom screaming as the newest hairbrush was missing. I ran up the stairs, looked everywhere, (I didn't even see other missing brushes), I ran down the stairs, checked the living room, he is looking at me like he was watching a crazed animal. I looked in the kitchen, ah, there it was, and it still had the tag on it. (left by me figuring no one would take the brush with a tag) Well at least the tag helped to keep it home. Someday I know cars and rooms will be cleaned, then and only then the hairbrushes will most likely reappear. Until then the tags stay on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm. I've used teh same brush for 4 years, which I bought at Claire's when I was in Echelon. DON'T BLAME THE MIA BRUSHES ON ME!!!